But today, WOW!! It was not one of those days. Maybe it was just a "nesting" urge....maybe it was the fact that I slept like a baby from 9:45 last night to 7 a.m. this morning. Who knows?! Regardless, today I have accomplished quite a lot.
* Bedroom cleaned. Check.
* Medicine cabinet rearranged and moved (Grant's been after me to do this for weeks). Check.
* Medicine cabinet rearranged and moved (Grant's been after me to do this for weeks). Check.
* Baby bath stuff in the previous medicine cabinet. Check.
* Laundry from last Friday to yesterday done. Check.
* An army of ants destroyed (took me forever, but I concocted a killer-paste that got 'er done!). Check.
* My dresser cleaned out and organized. Check.
I also started washing the baby's clothes and blankets, so that's a good step in the right direction. I am super proud of myself.....although I have a feeling that tomorrow I will be taking it easy and relaxing. But, hey, when you're in the mood and have the energy, especially if you're pregnant, I say, "take FULL advantage of it!" Right, ladies?

Go you! :D Knock that list out, Momma! :D
Good job! Feeling productive is the best ever.
WOOOO! Go Kristen!
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