Yesterday I spent about two hours or more working on my household notebook. Before, I had Nathan's schedule, natural remedies, Bible verse memorization and things like that. Yesterday, I told myself, "This HAS to be more organized and added to. Pronto!" So I worked hard and I am so happy with the results. Here is a peek at what I have:
When I first open the binder, I have our calendar on the left, inside the
pocket pouch. On the right, I have my
daily/weekly/monthly schedule.
The next page is all about perspective. On the left, I have a print out
Confessions of a Homeschooler that I
love, called "
Super Mom vs. Abiding Mom."
This is a great encouragement to me, as a mommy, to have the right
perspective going about my day. On the right is what I call
my "saturate" chart
with the verses of Scripture I am working to recite to Nathan at various parts of the day.
After that, I have Nathan's info sheet and our daily routine that we some-what try
to stick to. It's just our general guideline. Routine is goooooood.
Below is my edited, fit-for-blogging version, but the real one has
his picture, his SSN, his place of birth, insurance info, etc. But, as you can see,
it also has his current favorites, routine, likes and dislikes, etc.
Next. On the left, I have a handy freezer "cheat sheet" that reminds me
what lasts in the freezer for certain lengths of time. On the right, you can see a few of my
coupons. I noticed that I kept forgetting them when I went out, then they would expire.
SO, my new method is to have the ones that will be expiring within one month IN my purse.
The rest are kept in this pocket. :)
One side has all of our family's home and cell numbers. The other side
has my doctor, the family doctor, Nathan's pediatrician, and emergency numbers.
And at the bottom are a few extra numbers we use from time to time.
After that section comes our bill info, last month's income, our home info,
all of our
car info (make, model, year, etc.), and then all of our account
numbers for....everything. lol. :) That way, it's all in one place for me to grab and look up.
Then I have our "address" area. On the left is a print-out of addresses, stapled
together and slid inside the page protector. The ones highlighted are the ones
we use often. Then on the right is an area where I can write down new addresses to be added
to the master list later.
Next is our lists of birthdays. We both have big families, so it took me quite a
while, but I have two calendar-lists of birthdays. One list is of all the birthdays
and anniversaries in our family. The next list is of the birthdays and anniversaries
of our friends that we need/want to remember. :)
Next are my lists. Grocery list. Household needs list.
Nathan's needs list. And my "To Do" list.
Then the last section is for natural remedies, natural cleaning
supplies, anti-inflammatory foods, and a list of the best (aka - healthiest)
foods to ingest in our body vs. the worst possible foods you can eat.
And there you go! This is, by far,
the best (and most useful!) my household notebook has ever been!
This website has lots of free printables you can use, should you find yourself in need of a household management notebook yourself. :)