Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Where Joy Is Wednesday #16 and a Link-Up

Welcome to
 Where Joy Is Wednesday!

Amy Carmichael wrote, "There have been times of late when I have had to hold on to one text with all my might: "It is required in stewards that a man may be found faithful." Praise God, it does not say "successful.

I'm reminded of Luke 16:10 when Jesus says, "He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much..."

It is easy to feel like because we are not successful by the standards set around us, we are failures. If we don't have our names in bright lights or if we don't hold a top position at work; if we don't write a book or manage a popular blog; if we aren't gifted to preach or teach; if we aren't measured as "great" in the eyes of our world, then we are somehow less able to make an eternal difference. 

If this is you, forget what the world says, and remember what Jesus has said. He asks only for obedience and faithfulness. And if we are faithful in the tiniest things - the things that may not matter much in the eyes of others - then we will be faithful in much. Meditate on that today.... :)

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