
Holy cow, where has this year gone? It has definitely flown by! Now it is time for Christmas carols, Christmas trees, lights, candy, Christmas movies, and fireplaces! And it's time for the annual Christmas baking. Every year, I bake assorted cookies, but I am wanting to try other Christmas treats this year.
Any suggestions?
What are some of your favorite Christmas treats?
Have you ever made Oreo balls? They are so yummy!
No, I haven't. Are they easy to make? I'm wanting to make peanut butter balls. Grant LOVES peanut butter.
Since Grant LOVES peanut butter, lol, you should make those peanut butter cornflake things that we usually make!!! They're AMAZING!!! AND really easy to make! :-)
OR remember we used to help Grandmaw make those things like rice crispie treats, but it was with cheerios and peanut butter!
Ohh and peanut butter fudge! Yummm!
My mom has the recipes, I'll have to get them for you, I need to get them for myself anyways, I'm pretty sure my house is fixing to start smelling yummy!!! ;-)
My mouth is watering already, Jess! I've looked at the peanut butter fudge and I think I'll try that. I also found a recipe for peanut butter popcorn that looks delicious! :)
Yes, the Oreo balls are super easy to make! Only 3 ingredients. 1 package of Oreos, 1 package of cream cheese, and 1 package of white almond bark. Crush all the Oreos until they are finely grinded. I use a food chopper to do this part. They should look like coffee grinds when you are through crushing them. Then, put the crushed Oreos in a big bowl and mix in cream cheese. This part gets a little messy. Mix together very well and make into balls. Drop balls onto wax paper lined cookie sheet and put in freezer for a little while. Take them out once they are chilled, but not frozen. Heat the almond bark in microwave according to directions on package. Use toothpicks to dip the balls in the almond bark and place on wax paper again. Let the almond bark harden and they are done! If you have any questions, let me know!
I got the recipes from my mom today!!!! Gonna go grocery shopping this weekend then get to it next week!!!! Can't wait to see you!!! I miss you!!! Love ya!
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