To begin and clear the air, I will say that I enjoy a good fairytale story as much as the next girl. I do find a bit of girlish charm in the fact that the Prince met and married a commoner. The heir to the throne of England fell in love with a normal "working class" girl-next-door. That sounds like a Disney movie in my book! And, being a girl, of course I enjoy any wedding....especially a royal one. I thought Kate looked beautiful and her dress was lovely! Fitting for a modern day princess....
However, I believe the whole thing has been severely overdone. We have heard about this wedding for months now. Every TV channel has had coverage of the royal event that took place today at Westminster Abby.The news stated that there were 45 Facebook posts every second! Think about that for a moment. And Twitter? It greatly surpassed the number of Tweets made during the Superbowl. Millions of people here in America set their alarms to sit and watch the wedding of the year.
Now, hear me out: I don't think it was wrong to get up and watch the royal wedding. I don't find anything wrong with sitting down to watch a small piece of history unfold. I, myself, watched the coverage later in the day. I do, however, find it ironic and interesting that many people who got out of bed at 3 a.m. to watch Prince William marry Kate Middleton can't seem to get up out of bed to pray in the morning, or make it to Church on time (if at all) to hear the Word of God being proclaimed. Ironic, that's all.
It is estimated that the royal wedding cost summed up to $70 million. Wow. Really? What a sum. When I read that, I couldn't help but wonder, "What if all that money was spent on a bigger and greater cause?"
To quote one blogger:
WHAT IF instead of a $434,000 dress... Every one of the 88 abandoned and severely special needs children at Sarah's Covenant Home in India got the life saving surgeries and therapies that they needed. What would that look like?
WHAT IF instead of spending $800,000 on the royal flowers..... 320 houses were built for families displaced by the earthquake in Haiti. What would that look like?
WHAT IF instead of the $80,000 cake ordered for the wedding....the financial burden was removed to bring 4 children home to eager and loving families. What would that look like?
WHAT IF the $65,000 that will be used just to clean the streets for the royal wedding procession....was used instead to clean up these streets in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya.What would that look like?
WHAT IF instead of a $600,000 luncheon hosted by Prince Charles....The remaining 144 un-sponsored children at Yezelalem Minch (Ethiopia) were sponsored for the next 12 years- or until most of them are adults- providing them with an education, nutrition and a safe place to grow up. What would that look like?
I have to agree. What if, instead, the hungry were fed, the homeless given homes, the naked clothed? What if, instead, Bibles were printed and distributed? The gospel spread....lives changed for eternity....souls saved.
Like I said, it's been serious overkill. It is history. It is a wedding. That is all. There are far more important issues that need to be obsessed over. Like abortion....which never gets media coverage. Like the sacredness of marriage....which is under enormous attack. Like "one nation under God"....which is becoming non-existent. There's plenty more. Take your pick.
I wish the royal couple marital happiness and pray for their loyalty to their covenant as well as for their salvation. But's not THAT important, is it??
Kristen, I have to agree with all you wrote. What if, is a question I often ask. I have only wished for a roof over my head, my children fed and clothed (not in designer either), and my children to know God. Thank you for the insight. God Bless..
Great post!! I totally agree, they ta;led about it soo much that i didnt even want to watch it. i felt these are not OUR royalty.. i wish them the best but seriously there are more inportant things
I agree that all those things you mentioned are very worthy of our time, attention and money. But I must admit that I found the Royal wedding and the excitement leading up to it a nice distraction from the natural disasters and wars and political rantings that are normally all over the TV. It was *nice* to have something fun and positive in the news instead of ugliness and tragedy.
First of all, in a country where abandoned and abused animals get more media attention than the murderous acts of abortion, I stand by my statement. You hear about people protesting, but our liberal media NEVER shows the truth about abortion. That's fact. Period.
Secondly, you mentioned my "bitter questioning" of why everyone doesn't spend their time in devotions. I will repeat what I said:
"I do, however, find it ironic and interesting that many people who got out of bed at 3 a.m. to watch Prince William marry Kate Middleton can't seem to get up out of bed to pray in the morning, or make it to Church on time (if at all) to hear the Word of God being proclaimed. Ironic, that's all."
Again, I stand by that statement, because I know Church people who rarely come to Church and talk about how they just can't get up and pray in the morning....YET they have no trouble (and say they have no trouble) getting up at 3 a.m. to hunt or watch the royal wedding. Ironic....and it is.
Thirdly, I don't appreciate you labeling me as unforgiving when I made no attacks of any kind. My whole point was....what if? I did not blast the royal wedding, nor will I. It's history.
Reading over your comment once more, I have chosen to delete it. My reasoning can be found in the comment policy found at:, number two which says that you may state your objection to an article firmly but rudeness and hatred will get you deleted.
I thank you for your comment, but I will not tolerate rudeness. Blessings to you, though.
I know this will get my comment deleted, but I just have to add one more thing. In your comment policy you state "An argumentative spirit will get your comment deleted." I'm very glad you know what you will and will not tolerate on your blog, good for you! It is, after all, your space where you can say whatever you please, about whatever you please. Except... call this argumentative, but you are saying some very condemning things in other parts of your blog, things I don't agree with. I know, don't like? Don't read! Is a very appropriate thing to say right now, but I find your world view perplexing and challenging, and I wish you had a little appreciation for other people's challenges as well as your own. You are so wrapped up in your own little misogynist, time-capsule bubble you've stopped seeing the grace that Jesus offers those who have failed to live what you constitute is the correct way to live. I have a lot more I could say, but I am sure it would fall on deaf ears. (Re: abortion and it's reflection in the media. I read about abortion easily three times I day. I don't know where you are looking. I would be happy to send you links for a few days of the onslaught of news coverage abortion receives.)
Okay... you said: I find your world view perplexing and challenging, and I wish you had a little appreciation for other people's challenges as well as your own. You are so wrapped up in your own little misogynist, time-capsule bubble you've stopped seeing the grace that Jesus offers those who have failed to live what you constitute is the correct way to live.
I would like to say that I do acknowledge other's challenges. How you can see that I don't is beyond me. And I cannot see the grace of Jesus?? My goodness, that's the reason I blog in the first place. In Romans 6:1 it says, "What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?" GOD FORBID! GRACE is the power to live AS Jesus told us to live....and I echo those words. This isn't about me saying, "THIS is how it ought to be and if you can't live it, SHAME on you, you old sinner!" No, friend. THIS is about me echoing what God has already said. This is about me repeating His words. I blog about grace. I blog about love. I blog abut blessings and trust. I blog about issues I deal with. And I also blog about how we as Christians ought to live and act....not because I think so, but because God demands it.
Honestly, I cannot see how this came from the original post. I hope this is the end of it.
And as for your comments on abortion.... if you were to turn on CNN or ABC news, you may hear a little about abortion. BUT will you hear about the salt solution? About life? (it is now called a fetus). Will you hear about the body parts of the aborted baby being sold? Or about the parts being ripped from the baby's body? Will you see an abortion being done and watch as the baby moves away from the instrument used? Will you hear testimonies of women who have had an abortion and now live with guilt and shame and even physical problems? No.
"I would like to say that I do acknowledge other's challenges. How you can see that I don't is beyond me."
You don't see because you don't want to see. You don't want to understand why woman might need or desire an abortion, you don't see why someone might embrace sexuality as a god-given gift, you don't want to see why the challenges of today extend beyond what the men who wrote and translate the bible thousands of years ago could imagine.
Don't worry, that's the end of my message. I'll pray for you.
Qgertie, GOD says abortion is murder. GOD says to flee sexual lusts. GOD says homosexuality is an abominaton....and GOD does not change. I will not debate this. I am asking you to refrain from arguing or I will have to delete your comments.
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