
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Pita Bread Pizza

My little boy LOVES pizza. He's like his momma. :) I have been trying to revamp our diet, to exclude all white flour and sugars and introducing more healthy, whole foods. It's a slow, work in progress, but I am enjoying giving my family healthier meals.

Getting back to pizza. Yeah, my son loves it. And I do too. A lot. But I decided to try a healthy alternative.


Doesn't that look yummy? And get this - it is healthy. I'm serious. Now, hasn't your day just been made? The first step is the crust. It's really not the toppings on pizza that is unhealthy for us. It's the crust; that delicious, buttery, thick, bread crust. Yeah, it's not all that conducive for our overall health. To replace it, I used Lavash pita bread which is thin, delicious, and has a low glycemic index, which is the foundation for our new diet lifestyle. You can find Lavash bread at your local health food store. The rest of the ingredients can be found at any grocery store. 

I cut the pita bread into small squares, easy for little hands to hold. Spread the pasta sauce onto the pitas and put them into the oven (at 350) until they are slightly hard. It should take only a few minutes. Remove from the oven and add your cheese and other toppings. Place the pizza back into the oven and turn the broiler on for 1-2 minutes or until the cheese is melted.

And that's it, friend! Enjoy this quick and easy (oh and delicious!) pita pizza.

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