
Monday, September 9, 2013

Be Careful Mommy-Mouth What You Say

A few days ago Selah, my six month old, was tired and cranky. She was restless and couldn't settle down so she was crying. Loudly.

And I was irritated.

It was just one of those days when I simply wanted some quiet. As a mommy of little ones, quiet is like precious gold. Though I absolutely love the energy and excitement kids bring, sometimes I just want the noise to hush. Ever been there?? Well, this was one of those times. In my frustration I yelled, "Selah! HUSH! You're driving me crazy!" And then, to my dismay, I heard my two-year-old Nathan yell, "SAY! HUSH! Di-me-kazy!"

Kids have a way of showing you exactly who you are. They reveal sin in a way that I certainly was not prepared for. In that moment, I heard anger in his little voice. And I knew that came directly as a result of my lack of self-control. 

Oh be careful little mouth what you say

Remember that children's song? I  believe that that little song should be sung more often to adults. We are the ones that need to hold our tongue and watch our actions because we have little eyes and ears observing every move we make and every thing that comes out of our mouths. And that's a scary thought!

Oh be careful little mouth what you say

It is an eye-opening moment when you hear or see the sin in your heart revealed in your children. It's terrifying, actually. And it really hit me hard. Immediately I said, "Nathan, mommy should not have yelled. You are not to yell at your sister. And mommy is not supposed to yell and be mad either." Oh when will I learn?

That afternoon, I remembered the verse in Proverbs that says, "A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger."

Have you ever became angry when someone spoke harshly to you? I'm not talking about firm words, I'm talking about words dripped with annoyance or disgust. Even things that are said out of exasperation and thoughtlessness can stir up hurt in one's heart. And sometimes the hurt becomes a load that person carries for a long, long time. Maybe even for forever. With children, it is imperative that we keep our mouths and our actions from tearing down their tender emotions, and destroying their trust and security in us by hatefully lashing out just because we are tired or stretched to the max with all of our day-to-day tasks. It's not worth it in the long run. I'm learning that. Years from now, when our children have children of their own, they will be able to speak more gently through having grown up with the right example.

We are fallen people. You are not Superwoman, Momma. But you do have the power of the Holy Spirit to help you. When your little tyke asks you "Why" for the 5,487 time, Christ promises to help us keep our cool. When the baby won', He enables us to be grateful for that little energetic blessing. Whatever stress or exhaustion you're facing, let's always remember to speak with gentleness and self-control.

It is easier to build up a child than it is to repair an adult.
Choose your words wisely.

Oh be careful little mouth what you say

1 comment:

  1. Powerful message!! I love that you were willing to share this struggle and your response! Very encouraging!


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