
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Homemade Spray Cleaner

If you like using natural cleaning products, I highly recommend trying this out! I love mine.

You will need:

 spray bottle
 2 T White Vinegar
 1 t Borax
 Hot water 

10 drops of essential oil
a few drops of a mild dish detergent (optional)

Mix vinegar, borax and hot water until borax is completely dissolved. Pour into your spray bottle. Add the essential oil (I like using lemon or rosemary) and dish detergent. Gently shake. Aaaaand there you go!

This post is linked to: Raising Homemakers, Far Above Rubies, and Growing Home

1 comment:

  1. I've got to try this! I'd just been using vinegar and water. I'll add some borax next time. Thanks for sharing. :)


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