
Friday, June 8, 2012

Finding Him Friday & a Link Up!

I found Him in my pantry. Yes, that's right. My pantry.
A few days ago, I was shopping for groceries and as I walked down an aisle of only bread and pastries, I had an overwhelming sense of conviction and sadness. Why? Because here I am - so blessed to be living in the USA, with everything I could ever need or want at my fingertips. Here I am in a modern grocery store with every convenience at my reach. A whole aisle of bread and pastries! There's a whole aisle of chips and colas. In my kitchen, it's no different. I have a whole drawer in my fridge of produce. I have an entire shelf in my pantry devoted to spices and baking ingredients. Another shelf is full of snacks like crackers, cereal, peanut butter, and trail mix. Just this morning, as I was preparing to fix my little boy breakfast, I saw how many choices I had. I could cook pancakes....or muffins.....eggs...sausage. And that's where I found Him. I found His overwhelming blessing of food that I overlook and take for granted every day!

Did you know that more than one billion people in this world lack access to clean water? 

Did you know that about 25,000 people die every day of hunger or hunger-related causes – a huge majority of them being children? That's one person every three and a half seconds. 

Count your blessings, ladies. If you have food on your table, thank Him and praise Him for it. And when you find Him in your kitchen....bring Him to someone else who's hungry for Him. :)

Link up time!
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welcomed to share posts about ministry, marriage, motherhood, and
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