
Monday, November 29, 2010

Monday Meanderings - 11/29/10

I love Christmas. I love Christmas. I LOVE Christmas! We had a great Thanksgiving weekend, with lots of food, visiting, hunting, shopping and decorating! Last night, my darling husband finished the last of the outside Christmas stuff, which thrilled me to my bones! This week is pretty laid back. Nothing major planned. Just the normal "work for him, homemaking for me" week....which is relaxing, especially with the Christmas season officially here! Anyway, here is my weekly "Meandering"...

Bible Study... Mark

Memory Verse... Psalm 16:9
"Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope."

Husband Encouragement...
♥ Pick up after him more joyfully.
♥ He gets busy, distracted, and tired. Be understanding.
♥ Encourage him more.
♥ Be careful not to nag him or think only of myself.
♥ Have his supper ready and hot when he gets home.

Train Them Up...
* Make a list of baby items/furniture we need. (Haven't really done this yet, and people are starting to ask what we will register for.....and I have no clue!)
* Try to read to baby Nathan every day.

Personal Goals...
* Exercise every day this week. (I totally did not do this last week. I settled for resting and running errands. I will put forth an effort this week.)
* Write in journals
* Work on book

New Habit of the Month...
* Clean bathrooms at least once a week. (Slowly getting there....)

MUST Do...
* Get a few more groceries.
* Finish ALL the laundry. (I'm over halfway there and it's not even noon! Yay!)
* Mail check to Joanie.

Zone...  Inside the fridge and microwave

So my husband is back to the "boiled eggs for supper" diet, so that leaves just me and baby Nathan to feed. I'm planning on eating dinner every night around 5-5:30. That way, I can have it all eaten or put out of sight when Grant gets home at 6:30. So, here is a tentative "dinner plan" for me and baby.

M - Egg sandwich
T - Potato soup?
W - Chili or vegetable soup
Th - Chicken and broccoli
Su - leftovers?

* Movie nights with Grant
* Digging out all the Christmas books and movies!!

3 things I'm thankful for today...
1. CHRISTMAS!!! ....and all that comes with it!
2. My husband and my baby!
3. Being home for the holidays

Saturday, November 27, 2010

It's Christmas Time

How was everyone's Thanksgiving? My first as a wife was different, but enjoyable. All the food, the visiting, the food, the laughter, the food, the napping.....and the food. This year, I made my first pumpkin pie. I've never been much of a pie person (I prefer cake!) but - it was Thanksgiving! You have to have pies! So I made a yummy, holiday-ish treat that didn't turn out half bad! I hope you all had a very wonderful, relaxing, and filling Thanksgiving!

AND NOW - The Christmas season has officially begun! Hooray! Yesterday, I braved the cold and went out shopping, to
experience my first "Black Friday." It was not the horrific experience I expected. It was actually quite fun! Of course, I am not the type of person to camp out outside Target in wet, windy, 30 degree weather just to be first in line to get the best deal. I value my warm bed and the effects of a good night's sleep a bit more. I am not the type who stands in line for 4+ hours in Wal-Mart to get $40 off an item. No way. And I am definitely not the type to trample other women to grab the hottest toy or appliance. Come on! Ridiculous. But I am the type to get up early and go out to various stores and shop for Christmas on the first official day of Christmas shopping. I may not be first in line, but there is definitely nothing wrong with "gleaning the fields" in Wal-Mart, Target, Kohl's, Home Depot, Lowe's, Sears, etc. And it was fun! I came home with Christmas shopping finished!

Accomplished feeling? Check.

Now it's decorating time! And I have enjoyed my first Christmas decorating experience as a wife in my new home! Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to you, readers!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Give Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!!

I am thankful for...

1. My God, my Savior, my Redeemer and my King. He provides, He heals, He forgives, He strengthens, He teaches, and He saves.
2. The salvation He gave me
3. My wonderful husband who is faithful to me, who loves me, and who leads me closer to Christ.
4. Our little boy, Nathan James, who will be here in April!
5. My parents who brought me up in Church and who taught me about Jesus.
6. My sisters who make me laugh and cry at the same time.
7. My grandparents, aunts, uncles, my fun cousins, and my new in-laws.
8. My Church family.
9. My sweet "sister friends" who are truly kindred spirits (Anna, Sarah S, Michelle, Sarah F, Rachelle, etc)
10. The opportunity to travel and tell people about Jesus through word and song.
11. My home. My quaint little house that is perfect for my little family.
12. My country. The good 'ole USA.
13. Freedom.
14. Christmas!
15. .....everything else that won't come to mind now, but will after I post this. :)

It's sad, but most everyone waits until Thanksgiving to dwell on all the things they are thankful for. Unfortunately, I am pretty much one of them. Oh, I know what I am thankful for all year, but rarely do I sit down and really dwell on all blessings God has given. Rarely do I just sit back and praise Him for His goodness. Rarely do I take a moment and just declare to the whole world how good my God is and how thankful I am to be His child. I would put that on my New Years' Resolution list, but I am going to begin now!

As you gather with family and friends and eat up the turkey, the dressing, the corn, the cranberry sauce, the rolls, the pumpkin and pecan pies, and all the various other "yummies" of Thanksgiving, remember to genuinely praise and thank our God for all His blessings. As my grandfather used to say so often, "God is big....and He's GOOD."

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Planning for Baby

I am 19 weeks and feeling like a pregnant woman. As I blogged a few days ago, we are expecting a little boy! With that momentous information finally had, Grant and I have been discussing nursery ideas. We have never wanted the traditional blue. First, we had decided on camo, but recently "tweaked" the original idea. Yesterday, we found the perfect bedding for our "manly-boy-on-the-way!"

Take a look!

Personally, I LOVE the look. Very boyish. Very modern. With a hint of the camp we originally wanted. Perfect. We have decided on light brown walls with dark brown furniture, so I know it will all turn out nicely! While surfing around and comparing prices, I discovered some of the cutest little outfits! Are these adorable or what?

I could do this all day! Come Friday, I will be halfway there!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday Meanderings - 11/22/10

Well, we're home from Israel...home for a while, so it's back to the Meandering! This has been a glorious morning thus far! The sky is overcast, the weather is cool, the house is being cleaned, and the holidays begin this week! *happy sigh*

Bible Study... Mark

Memory Verse... Psalm 69:30
"I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving."

Husband Encouragement...
* Make home comfortable and relaxing when he gets home from work
* Encourage him more
* Clean his closet

Train Them Up...
* Read another chapter of "To Train Up a Child" by Michael & Debi Pearl
* Try to read to baby Nathan every day.
* Settle on nursery idea
* Begin making lists of things I need

Personal Goals...
* Exercise every day this week
* Write in journals
* Work on book

New Habit of the Month...
* Clean bathrooms at least once a week

MUST Do...
* Go grocery shopping before Wednesday
* Make mac & cheese and mashed potatoes for Thanksgiving
* Call Joanie
* Finish ALL the laundry
* Clean out the green room and put suitcases away

Zone...  Inside the fridge

This menu plan is tentative, but I hope it works out. I'm so glad to be home and ready to start cooking again!

M - Chicken fettuchini, veggies
W - Chili or Tomato soup??
Su - TBD

* Call up Sarah F
* Celebrate Thanksgiving Wednesday at hubby's work
* Watch Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Thursday!!!!
* Get Christmas decoration out and up this week!!!!!

3 things I'm thankful for today...
1. Cold, autumn days
2. Thanksgiving and the holiday spirit in the air!
3. Being home!

Friday, November 19, 2010

It's a BOY!!!!

Yesterday, I had my third ultrasound. Exciting! I was so anxious to see our baby move....and boy, did we ever! We saw our baby jump, kick, swing arms, suck fingers....and I think toes! Then, the doctor told us the one bit of information Grant and I have been waiting to hear for 4 1/2 months.

"It's a boy!"

My first thought was, "Can life BE any more fulfilling?!" I wanted to cry but tears wouldn't come. I wanted to jump up and down, but my doctor wouldn't let me. I wanted to scream but was afraid I may terrify the other moms-to-be in the waiting room.

I came from a family of all girls. I'm the oldest of 6 daughters. Yeah, I have some boy cousins but I have only changed a handful of boy diapers in my day. But I am so anxious to have a little boy! On our way home, Grant and I began to talk of all the things we want him to be; all the things we would teach him. Grant said he would teach him to be God's man, to be a warrior, to be tough and rugged and boyish. He's going to teach him to play guitar and to hunt. He's going to send him climbing up a tree. I'm going to teach him to be a gentleman; A manly man with the heart of a servant. I'm going to teach him to sing, to be polite and full of manners, to cook what he kills, and to love his mommy! I cannot wait to meet this kid!

Many have asked if we have a name. The answer is, yes we do!

Nathan James Lee

Nathan is Grant's first name. Nathan is a Bible name of a great prophet of the Lord. The name in Hebrew means "Gift of God" and that, he most certainly is!

James is also a Bible name (also one of my favorite books in the Bible!). It is a good, strong, manly name. It is the name of my grandfather who is Heaven now, watching us run this race called life. The name in Hebrew means "Supplanter."

So, now we are waiting for April to get here! Praise God for granting us a son! As Luke 2:23b says, "...Every male that openeth the womb shall be called holy to the Lord."

Back from the Holy Land!

I'm HOME!!!

...back to the land of good food, clean air, cool weather, and my wonderful comfy bed.

How was Israel? AMAZING! I was so moved. Standing in the Holy Land....the land of the Bible....woooo! We saw Caphernaum, Bet Shan, Gideon's spring, Galilee, the Jordan river, the Dead sea, Ein Gedi, Jericho, Nazareth, Bethlehem, Jerusalem....

But goodness, it is so good to be back home. It was quite hot there, in the middle east, so I am thrilled to be back home to Arkansas with cool, brisk air. Below are some *ahem* HIGHLIGHTS of the trip. I took well over 1,000 pictures, many of which are on my Facebook account (open to all, btw). But if you would rather get the "Reader's Digest" version, look below!

Standing in front of the Mediterranean Sea

The Sea of Galilee

Me and my Dad showing our "bumps" off! :)


Standing in the ruins of Caphernaum

The Jordan river

The spring of Gideon

Monday, November 8, 2010

We're Leavin'.........

Yes, it's 3:30 a.m.

Yes, we are awake.

Why? Because we are LEAVIN'......on a jet plane.

...and headed to Israel, the land of our Savior.

Pray for safe travels and that our Lord, King, and Savior will be magnified and glorified. See you when we return!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Israel Bound!

Tomorrow is the day!!!!

The day I get on a plane with my hubby, my baby bump, most of my family, and many friends and travel to the land of my Jesus!

Suitcase. Check. Oh wait, um...packed suitcase. Check. (much better)

The always-needed clothes, shoes, toothbrush. Check.

Bible and journal. Check.

Camera. Definite check.

Plane ticket...can't go without it. Check.

Passport...uh...can't leave the country without that. Check.

Guess I'm ready. I'm going to go sit on my suitcase.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Today, I enjoyed the simple things. I woke up and saw my amazingly good looking husband off to work (and somehow, I just thought he was extra handsome today, if that's possible). After that, I spent time thinking about him, about our baby, about life, and thanking God for another day. I cleaned, washed clothes, began packing for our trip to Israel, worked out, and played with Gracie (our cute Chocolate Lab). While I was moving about the house working, I saw our little colony of squirrels playing in our yard, gathering up acorns, running up our trees, and hearing them chase each other on the roof of our house. Since I married and moved here, I have taken extreme delight in the squirrels. No matter how sunny or dreary the day is, they can make me smile in a flash! I am steadily counting and naming them all (so far, we have Leonard, Mo, Betty, Ralph, and Barney).

I hope they make you smile too.