
Monday, November 29, 2010

Monday Meanderings - 11/29/10

I love Christmas. I love Christmas. I LOVE Christmas! We had a great Thanksgiving weekend, with lots of food, visiting, hunting, shopping and decorating! Last night, my darling husband finished the last of the outside Christmas stuff, which thrilled me to my bones! This week is pretty laid back. Nothing major planned. Just the normal "work for him, homemaking for me" week....which is relaxing, especially with the Christmas season officially here! Anyway, here is my weekly "Meandering"...

Bible Study... Mark

Memory Verse... Psalm 16:9
"Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope."

Husband Encouragement...
♥ Pick up after him more joyfully.
♥ He gets busy, distracted, and tired. Be understanding.
♥ Encourage him more.
♥ Be careful not to nag him or think only of myself.
♥ Have his supper ready and hot when he gets home.

Train Them Up...
* Make a list of baby items/furniture we need. (Haven't really done this yet, and people are starting to ask what we will register for.....and I have no clue!)
* Try to read to baby Nathan every day.

Personal Goals...
* Exercise every day this week. (I totally did not do this last week. I settled for resting and running errands. I will put forth an effort this week.)
* Write in journals
* Work on book

New Habit of the Month...
* Clean bathrooms at least once a week. (Slowly getting there....)

MUST Do...
* Get a few more groceries.
* Finish ALL the laundry. (I'm over halfway there and it's not even noon! Yay!)
* Mail check to Joanie.

Zone...  Inside the fridge and microwave

So my husband is back to the "boiled eggs for supper" diet, so that leaves just me and baby Nathan to feed. I'm planning on eating dinner every night around 5-5:30. That way, I can have it all eaten or put out of sight when Grant gets home at 6:30. So, here is a tentative "dinner plan" for me and baby.

M - Egg sandwich
T - Potato soup?
W - Chili or vegetable soup
Th - Chicken and broccoli
Su - leftovers?

* Movie nights with Grant
* Digging out all the Christmas books and movies!!

3 things I'm thankful for today...
1. CHRISTMAS!!! ....and all that comes with it!
2. My husband and my baby!
3. Being home for the holidays

1 comment:

  1. Fun, Kris! Enjoy your week. I'm going to try to email you today....


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