
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Give Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!!

I am thankful for...

1. My God, my Savior, my Redeemer and my King. He provides, He heals, He forgives, He strengthens, He teaches, and He saves.
2. The salvation He gave me
3. My wonderful husband who is faithful to me, who loves me, and who leads me closer to Christ.
4. Our little boy, Nathan James, who will be here in April!
5. My parents who brought me up in Church and who taught me about Jesus.
6. My sisters who make me laugh and cry at the same time.
7. My grandparents, aunts, uncles, my fun cousins, and my new in-laws.
8. My Church family.
9. My sweet "sister friends" who are truly kindred spirits (Anna, Sarah S, Michelle, Sarah F, Rachelle, etc)
10. The opportunity to travel and tell people about Jesus through word and song.
11. My home. My quaint little house that is perfect for my little family.
12. My country. The good 'ole USA.
13. Freedom.
14. Christmas!
15. .....everything else that won't come to mind now, but will after I post this. :)

It's sad, but most everyone waits until Thanksgiving to dwell on all the things they are thankful for. Unfortunately, I am pretty much one of them. Oh, I know what I am thankful for all year, but rarely do I sit down and really dwell on all blessings God has given. Rarely do I just sit back and praise Him for His goodness. Rarely do I take a moment and just declare to the whole world how good my God is and how thankful I am to be His child. I would put that on my New Years' Resolution list, but I am going to begin now!

As you gather with family and friends and eat up the turkey, the dressing, the corn, the cranberry sauce, the rolls, the pumpkin and pecan pies, and all the various other "yummies" of Thanksgiving, remember to genuinely praise and thank our God for all His blessings. As my grandfather used to say so often, "God is big....and He's GOOD."

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