
Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday Meanderings - 09/20/10

Monday Meanderings is a weekly "planner post" that Sarah from In Light of the Truth began! I'm new to this, but I love organizing and planning, so.... I'm going to give it a go! Feel free to zoom on over to Sarah's blog and join in on the "meanderin'!"

Bible Study... James

Memory Verse... Philippians 2:5 -
"Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus."

Husband Encouragement...
* Iron his dress shirts
* Organize his closet
* Spend time in his presence

Train Them Up...
* Begin getting ideas for nursery
* Read another chapter of "To Train Up a Child" by Michael & Debi Pearl

Personal Goals...
* Exercise every day this week
* Write in journals
* Work on honeymoon scrapbook
* Work on book

New Habit of the Month...
* Vacuum couches twice a week

MUST Do...
* Get plastic storage boxes
* Get all laundry washed, dried, folded/ironed, and put away
* Catch up on e-mail
* Go through boxes in the garage
* Buy gift wrap from neighbor's little girl

Zone...  the study closet. I MUST clean it out!

Menu - This is tricky because my morning sickness is still hanging on a little and Grant has put himself on a very strict diet. Each night, he wants either eggs, a salad, or salmon for dinner. With me needing several small meals a day, I have figured out a basic idea for what I will have each evening and, if Grant so chooses, for him as well:

M - Leftover lasagna
T - Chicken Parmesan, mashed potatoes, green beans
W - Chili and cornbread
Th - Chicken fettuchini, broccoli, bread sticks
F - TBD (to be decided). Possible breakfast for supper!
S - Concert in Farmerville, LA so, Church food of some kind.
Su - Revival in Bearden - Church food again!

* Call up some friends
* Play with Gracie and maybe give her a bath

3 things I'm thankful for today
1. Cooler mornings and evenings
2. Family
3. Friendship and fellowship

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, I'm sorry I didn't get to this LAST WEEK! I forgot about it in my comment moderations and I've basically been off-line all week with a friend visiting. Thanks so much for joining me, and congrats on the pregnancy, I see! How very exciting!!


where JOY is is a personal blog. Its purpose is to encourage women of all ages to radiate the joy of the Lord in each season of life. This blog reflects my personal beliefs, opinions, and interests.

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