
Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Baby's Heart

Well, it is official!! I am most DEFINITELY pregnant! Today, I went in for my first doctor's appointment. I was anxious, excited, scared, nervous, and giddy all at once. After a long wait, a million questions, and various exams, I saw our baby for the first time! I cannot tell you how small I felt when I saw what God Himself planted in my womb! When we glimpsed a little life squirming and wiggling around and when we heard a strong heartbeat, I was in sheer awe. My grandfather had a frequent saying. He would always say:  "God is big!....and He's GOOD."  How often do we forget just how BIG God is...and how very, very small we are? If you are like me, you forget a LOT!

I am currently 8 weeks and 6 days pregnant. I have been nauseous, I have been tired, I have grown to hate foods I used to love and crave foods (and combinations of foods) that were never on my list of "favorite yummies." Some days, it is easy to groan and say, "WHY ME?" But I haven't been able to complain. I am housing a LIFE, a SOUL. God Himself has entrusted me and Grant with a baby....a child with a destiny, a calling...and an eternal home. It is our job to "train up" our child in the ways of God, binding them on the doorposts of our home and our lives. It is an incredible responsibility! And it is an awesome and humbling honor.

Many people have asked me if I am going to journal my pregnancy the way I did with my engagement and wedding. My answer? YES, Lord willing. During my engagement and wedding preparation, I learned a great deal about salvation and how every aspect of wedding planning somehow, someway, pointed to the saving grace of our Savior! Is it possible to see the same things in a pregnancy? ABSOLUTELY!!

One of the very first things that happens after conception is the heart. What does it do? It starts beating! Today, when I watched a little "spot" appear on a screen, one of the first things our doctor asked was:

 "Do you see the heart beating?"

"What?" I said.

"There. Do you see?"

As I looked closer, I saw a movement and, sure enough, it was a HEART. We SAW it beating. After a few moments of complete awe, we HEARD the heart beating. Strong and fast, it was thumping along.

Likewise, salvation begins with the heart. It's a HEART change, first and foremost. When you, as a sinner, get a good look at what you are (which is a dirty, rotten, sinner) you want to change! And then you ask Jesus to come into your life...and your heart. And He does!! He inhabits your life, your soul, your mind...and your heart. And He gives you a new heart; one that begins to beat for HIM, for HIS glory, for HIS applause.

I was speechless today. I was moved. If I were to sit and really dwell on all the happenings of today, rest assured, I would burst into a fit of happy tears! I saw and heard my baby's heartbeat. My goodness, HOW MUCH MORE do you think our Father is moved and stirred with compassion and love when He sees OUR heart, new and full of spiritual life, beating strong?  I'm sure my human feelings hold no comparison.

I encourage you....BEAT for Jesus. If you have never surrendered your heart and life to Him. DO IT. NOW. And if you have? Beat strong for Him. Beat fast and firm...and do it for His glory alone.

2 Corinthians 5:17
"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."

Psalm 51:10
"Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me."

Colossians 3:15
"And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful."



  1. I'm happy for you, Kristen. :) Love ya. <3

  2. I swear .. everytime i read your blogs i cry!!! or at least tear up!! I hope you remember me. I am Santana and i wrote to you about my blog almost week ago, i wanted to thank you for your kind words. Oh congrats on the baby! i loved reading your post! Motherhood is truly amazing (even though i havent been through it myself) i cant wait to read more!


where JOY is is a personal blog. Its purpose is to encourage women of all ages to radiate the joy of the Lord in each season of life. This blog reflects my personal beliefs, opinions, and interests.

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