
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Where Joy Is Wednesday #15 and a Link-Up

Welcome to
 Where Joy Is Wednesday!

We are having such a cool summer this year! It's been strange to have spring-like weather in late July, but we have enjoyed not having the scorching heat. We have been keeping busy with canning, picking sunflowers, finding pumpkins (totally didn't know they could be ready this early!), getting ready for 3-K, and having lots of fun together! What have you been up to?

Lord willing, this coming Friday we will find out the gender of baby #3 and we are all really excited! Nathan's vote is for a boy. Selah just says "baby." ;) Hope you all have a marvelous rest of the week!

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where JOY is is a personal blog. Its purpose is to encourage women of all ages to radiate the joy of the Lord in each season of life. This blog reflects my personal beliefs, opinions, and interests.

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