
Monday, October 28, 2013

I'm So Glad I Live in a World Where There are Octobers

Do you smell that? It's autumn. My favorite time of the year! After moving and finally getting settled, I feel as though I can really enjoy pumpkin spice candles, fuzzy socks, sweaters, boots, pumpkin pies, building fires, and going on hayrides. Oh yeah, and let's not forget the crisp, cool air. Wooooo!

My kids have been real troopers. They truly have. I know little ones generally adjust to change pretty good, but I just can't help but be proud of how well they have behaved through packing up, moving, living with family, packing up again, and moving into our home. I can tell a difference with them too. They are a little more relaxed, like they just know they are home for good. That makes my heart happy.

So with all the craziness behind us, I decided to take my kiddos to the pumpkin patch Saturday. Oh what fun!!! Last year was Nathan's first trip to the patch just wasn't a good day for him. He didn't feel well and it showed. This year, however, he was all over the place. And Selah? Well, she's always all over the place. :) She had a blast and I was, thankfully, able to capture some precious moments from the two of them.

my punkin's
can you believe my 8 month old is starting to walk?!?
Nathan thought it was so neat that he could put his feet up on the big pumpkin

Aren't they just adorable?

This week, my goals are to scrub down the house (it's sooooo dusty!) and then settle into "fall mode" which is where I bake, plan for Thanksgiving and Christmas, cuddle with my kids, and cherish every second I can with my family. Right now, I'm going to go slip on some socks and light my cinnamon pumpkin candle. :) May your October day be full to the brim of His joy!

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