
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Making a Car Kit

A clean car is something that makes me smile. A lot. And with a two year old little boy, a clean car can be more like a dream than a reality. But I still try to keep it as neat and tidy as possible. Recently I put together a car kit. So today I am going to share with you what I have in my car, the car kit I put together, and how I have it all organized.

First, in my console, I have some CDs and a few movies. I also have an umbrella, a mini-flashlight, my taser (*ahem*), extra sunglasses, chapstick, a pack of Wet Ones, and some Febreze.

In the backseat, I have two rolls (one under each seat) of paper towels. These have been invaluable! I will always, always, always have paper towels in my car!

Also, I have Nathan's leash under the passenger seat. I try to keep his leash and Selah's baby carrier in the car at all times.

Now for the car kit.

I used a basic, empty baby wipes box and then I then I thought of all the times I was away from home and needed something that I did not have. After a little thinking, I put the following in the box.

In the container, I have:

  • Baby wipes
  • Makeup remover wipes
  • Scented trash bags
  • A small pack of Desitin
  • A small bottle of baby lotion
  • Boogie wipes
  • An Emory board
  • Nail polish remover wipes
  • A pen
  • Stain remover marker
  • Orajel
  • Dramamine
  • An extra thermometer
  • Mini travel toothbrushes
  • Alcohol pads
  • Tylenol, Pepto, and Alkaselser tablets 
  • Band aids
  • Lip gloss
  • Hand lotion
  • Sunblock
  • Bobby pins
  • Safety pins
I also have a few personal items in there as well. And YES all of it fits perfectly in the wipes container. YAY!!

Do you have a car kit? What's in your car? You know, besides crushed cheerios..... :) 

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