
Monday, January 7, 2013

Prepping for Baby!

Today I thought I would show you how the nursery is coming along! Earlier this week, my husband and I took down all of our Christmas decor and I did a massive cleaning job on our house. We also....... **drum roll** ......PUT HER BED TOGETHER!!! This is a personal victory of mine since I have been wanting to set up her bed for over a month now. Below are some "before and after" pictures of her bedroom. It isn't completely finished yet, but it is well on its way!

The room was, first, our study/office.

The doorway

View from the door

View from her bed

A beautiful painting

Obviously, we don't have her bedding in yet and we haven't brought in the swing and infant bouncer from storage, but you can see how it is coming along. Only a few weeks left!!!

HURRY little bit!!!! I want to see you!!!

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