
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Singing Scripture

A few months ago, I shared a chart that I made for me and Nathan as a way of helping me teach him Scripture. I called it my "Saturate chart." Children are like sponges and they learn so much, so fast, so early in their lives. It has been a challenge for me to remember to incorporate the Word into everyday life happenings, but we are getting there! We take it one day at a time. :)

When I was younger and in the AWANA program at our Church, I remember my mom taking the Bible verses we needed to remember and putting a tune to them. We were all singers and singing Bible somehow made it easier to remember those tough verses. There was a time when one of my little sisters, instead of reciting the verse to her AWANA leader, sang the verse....and had a few body motions to go with it! -- for effect, I guess? :)
Months ago, I began taking Nathan's bath time to recite to him Psalm 51:10. Not long after, I began to sing Keith Green's song that he wrote from that passage, "Create in Me a Clean Heart." Following suit, and being a singer, I took his mealtime verse of Psalm 34:8 and put a tune to it myself. -- Below is a video of my version.
The other day, with all of this on my mind, I thought to myself, "I bet there are Scripture songs out there!" So I pulled up Google and searched for KJV Scripture Songs for Kids. What I found made my heart happy! After looking at various CDs out there, I ended up at iTunes and downloaded fourteen Scripture songs that will make it a lot easier to instill many verses into my son's little heart.

I downloaded songs from the ABC Memory Verse CD, and several songs from the Bible Songs for Kids collection. I am LOVING them! It is a lot easier for me to "soak" him in Jesus and flood his mind and his heart with God's Word through song. And it's easier for me to memorize Scripture more too! (I'm no easy sponge anymore!)

So if any of you mommies love singing around the house and also want to teach your children Scripture, I highly recommend using Scripture songs. Find some you love....or put a tune to verses yourself! Whatever method you choose, I just encourage you to saturate your kids.
This is my tune to Psalm 34:8. I have found that there are many versions out there,
so if you don't like mine, you can find another. :) Though Nathan always gives me a
tiny smile, he is still more interested in his food. However, I am sure that if I stay
consistent, he will have those verses rooted in his heart forever.

1 comment:

  1. parents are granted the wonderful gift of being the caregivers of a little soul that will never-ever die. An awesome privilege and incredible responsibility. You must be intentional to be wise stewards. It requires your time, your focus, your creativeness, your passion.

    Kristen, thanks for investing into new moms with such wonderful resources to help their little acorns grow into mighty oaks!


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