
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Arena of Cloth Diapering

I was really gung-ho about cloth diapering.....until I actually HAD my baby. After quite an, um, interesting labor and delivery, I was completely out of it the first week we were home. Then I became busy trying to learn how to be a mommy; meaning how to function on very little sleep and being alone with the constant demands of a small person. Apart from that, I was enormously blessed by cases (I will repeat - cases!) of diapers. I had so many that I ended up giving three packages of newborn diapers away! When Nathan finally reached size 1 in diapers, I still had newborns left over that I had never even opened. Talk about a blessing!! Anyway, several months ago, Hannah sent me some prefolds and a Bummie. They have been sitting on the shelf of my changing table and I have been summoning up the courage to go for it. Today was the day. After spending an hour reading on cloth diapering and EC (elimination communication), I have made it a goal to switch to cloth diapers. Of course, that doesn't mean I will refuse disposable. When we are on the road or something, I will more than likely be using disposable much - if not all - the time. But, for now, I am officially stepping into the cloth diapering arena. I have the older cloth diapers that you put on with the pins as well as the plastic cover but Hannah introduced me to Bummies, All in Ones, and the latest, more modern approach to cloth diapering. Up front, they are expensive. But in my reading, I see that they are well worth the bucks if you stick to it. You wash and reuse them and they will last and last....for more than just your one kiddo. That totally beats $20+ a pack for disposable which will be gone in a week. After Christmas, I am planning on buying one of the All in One diapers to see if I like them, as well as another diaper cover. I also would like a diaper tote which will make it easier (and less stinky!) while on the road.

Speaking of stink, my diaper pail REEKS!! Baking soda just doesn't cut it. So... I just found a very good "stink-master." What is it? So genius. Essential oils. Make sure it's ESSENTIAL oil. I used lavender which is my current favorite on my shelf. I drip a few drops in the pail before I place the bag in. Then, I may put a drop IN the bag. I just started it and it helps a lot. If any of you mommies have more suggestions, let me hear them. :)

So anyway, back to cloth diapering. This afternoon, I gave Nathan a bath, then placed the prefold and the Bummie diaper cover on him. Can I say C.U.T.E! Apparently, he didn't notice the change. He was quite happy and I instantly felt that wonderful feeling a woman gets when she realizes that she CAN do something utterly intimidating. I still don't know what the big deal was. I'm no stranger to cloth diapers. My Mom used cloth diapers a lot with my sisters. Regardless of the WHY, I am a happy momma right now. This also makes me feel like tackling a big mountain soon: EC. As I mentioned above, EC stands for Elimination Communication. A few months ago, I bought the book, The Diaper Free Baby. Intriguing, isn't it? After hearing about a couple who had their 3 month old baby potty trained, I was like, "Whaaa?" and decided to look into it. Obviously, Nathan is not potty trained, but I have been reading up on the idea and it is very fascinating. Basically, infants are born with the ability to communicate their need to "go," just as they communicate hunger or sleepiness. The author is a mother of two children who were diaper-free at eighteen and fifteen months! The book is all about teaching parents how to identify and respond to their baby or toddler's natural cues. It is another facet of "Attachment Parenting" which includes baby wearing, co-sleeping, and breastfeeding. So, come the new year, I just may attempt the impossible and see if that actually works.

FOR NOW, though, hooray for cloth diapering! Puh-lease pray for me as I go at it with full force! :)


  1. Yay! I have on my registry plenty of disposable diapers, but I plan on switching very very quickly to cloth diapers! Kimberly is sending me All-in-Twos and I like that idea much better than the All-in-Ones. I helped her with her kids in the All-in-Ones and didn't like them as much. But helping her with the kids and All-In-Twos -- WOOOO! LOVE IT!!!! She is sending me a bunch of GroVias - 8 covers, 24 inserts, 6 doublers, 1+ boxes of unopened disposable inserts, 2 noodles & noodle snaps, and a wet bag! I also have two FuzziBunz on our registry as I've heard those are good and I'd like to compare them with the GroVias.

    While I will put the wet bag in a diaper pail, I am NOT using a diaper pail. I've found they are actually discovered to hold bacteria longer, whereas diaper bags are not. Plus, the diaper bags are, supposedly, better at keeping smell out. I will post pictures of the diapers I receive once I get them. I am sending her a check for them this coming week and then I think my parents are bringing them out with them in late December. SO excited! :)

    You'll do great. I am going to do disposable for the first bit ... but I can't wait to swap to the cloth diapers. I helped Mom do cloth diapering with all of my siblings and I can't imagine doing it differently... And the "technology" of cloth baby diapers has REALLY improved in the past 12 years, believe you me!

    ENJOY IT! And I know Nathan will, too!

  2. My Mom used cloth diapers on at least my two younger brothers, so you can do it! :) On a side note, I think my sister and I were quite put off by the idea of cloth diapers when it was our day to take care of them when Mom was out, and we had to clean it up and change them. Of course, we were, um, ten and eight? Anywho. I am sure that years from now when we have our first child, we'll go with cloth too.

  3. I am not sure why I said I like All-in-Twos better. Haha. I meant All-in-Ones. :P I like both but for very different reasons. Anyway, both are great. The prefolds with covers work, too, but I like the more new versions of cloth diapering better. However, the prefolds ARE cheaper. :P

  4. You can do it girl! I think cloth diapers are a neat idea personally. We'll see after I have kids...haha


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