
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Five Months Old

It just hit me. Nathan will be 6 months old next month. He's nearly half way to a year old. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

So what's new with my little man?
  • So his sleeping patterns have changed a bit. He's been wanting to go to bed in between seven and eight each night and has been waking around around 7 a.m. each morning. Not bad at all. :)
  • We have introduced solids to him and, so far, so good. He has eaten carrots, sweet potatoes, green peas, bananas, prunes, and apples. However, he hates oatmeal. I'm pretty sure it's the texture he isn't fond of. We'll try again some other day. No biggie. No biggie at all.
  • He is rolling over, laughing out loud, coo-ing all the time, and playing with his feet constantly. He will grab his feet and just hang on. He will pull his toes up to his mouth and suck, chew, and who knows what else. I think it's hilarious and so very cute.
  • He is doing great job at holding on to objects that we give him and he's doing a good job at picking up items...and of course, they all go directly to his mouth. He is also reaching out towards faces (and jewelry).
  • Lately, Grant has been loading him up in his Baby Bjorn and taking him out to feed the dogs. He is mesmerized. They have even went four wheeler riding in the backyard which, judging his expression, Nathan loves!


Sweet little boy....

"I'm gonna get it!"

Story time with daddy

Sleeping in the car

"Hi Momma!" .....isn't he just the cutest ever?

Workin' on holding that bottle


Baby food!

"Ooooh! I like it! Gimme more!!"

All dressed up for Church!

With mommy

My little country dude :)

Chewing on his spoon

"I'm FIVE months old!"


where JOY is is a personal blog. Its purpose is to encourage women of all ages to radiate the joy of the Lord in each season of life. This blog reflects my personal beliefs, opinions, and interests.

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