
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 01 - 60 Day Photo Challenge

Day 01 - A picture of yourself with fifteen facts.

1. I am a Christian and proud of it. I wish everyone knew my Jesus.
2. I am 25 years old. Yep. Half-way to 50. *gulp*
3. I am a new mommy! (and my kid is THE cutest!)
4. My husband is the most handsome hunk in the world!
5. I love to blog (duh! right?)
6. My sisters are some of the coolest and funniest people you could meet.
7. I can say all 66 books of the Bible and my Dad and I used to have compititions on who could say them the fastest. I still hold the record.
8. My sisters and I cannot be beat playing "Name That Movie."
9. Flowers make my heart sing. :)
10. I LOVE living in the south. I am a southern girl at heart, y'all!
11. I have a secret obsession with PJ's. They're just comfy!
12. Books + Me = LOVE
13. My kids will grow up watching Winnie the Pooh and Veggie Tales....because I love them.
14. Sometimes, I wish I had a British accent
15. I wish there was background music to our lives. Wouldn't that be awesome?! :)

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where JOY is is a personal blog. Its purpose is to encourage women of all ages to radiate the joy of the Lord in each season of life. This blog reflects my personal beliefs, opinions, and interests.

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