
Thursday, April 28, 2011

The 10 Best Dressed Women

1. The woman whose modesty adorns her.

2. The woman who clothes herself in good works.

3. The woman who does not garb herself with tattling and gossip.

4. The woman who refuses to wear the garment of idleness, but stays busy.

5. The woman whose warmth is generated by an inner love for others.

6. The woman who dresses that she may not be a stumbling block to younger women or men of any age.

7. The woman whose feet are shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace.

8. The woman who sparkles, not with jewelry, but with her love for Christ and her family.

9. The woman who drapes herself with chasteness and fidelity.

10. The woman whose best suit is her love for Christ and His church.


where JOY is is a personal blog. Its purpose is to encourage women of all ages to radiate the joy of the Lord in each season of life. This blog reflects my personal beliefs, opinions, and interests.

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