
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Nursery Work!

Whew! I am beat! But I feel accomplished and proud......because......the nursery is done!!!!

...Or well, almost.

We painted the walls. We set up my old crib; the crib my parents bought when my mom was expecting me. We moved a recliner in the room and a lamp. We painted a bookshelf which now holds some of the baby items we have acquired thus far. We have done all we can do for now! I am VERY excited.

So, want to see our hard work? Look below!

So boyish. So cute! I love how it looks! It is definitely different than it was.

The following pictures are from before, when the room was bright green. When we moved in after our wedding, we decided to leave the walls alone and made it into a kid room for when my sisters/cousins visited. It was used and enjoyed. A very fun room!

A part of me will miss the crazy-cute room it was, but I am ready to move on to phase #2! There was quite a change. From bright lime green, to a tan color. From bold, fun colors, to neutral, relaxing, country colors. I am so pleased with the look. NOW, it's time to FILL it with more baby gear....and the baby!


  1. AWW I am so excited for you!!!!! Nursery looks great :)

  2. I LOVE it! And I am SO excited for you and Grant!!!!!! I can't wait to meet Nathan some day!!!!!


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