
Friday, December 31, 2010

Looking Back

Here we are....the last day of 2010. What a year it has been!

* I married my best friend in the wedding of my dreams!
* I became pregnant three months into my marriage with a little boy!
* I traveled to Israel with my husband, my parents, two sisters, and many friends.
* I was able to sing more this year in revivals and concerts than ever before.
* I saw my little sister graduate from High School.
* I watched another little sister follow the Lord in Baptism.

.....what a year!

Now, we look ahead to 2011. It will be the year I become a Mommy. It will mark Grant's and my 1st anniversary. It will be a year of singing, ministering, writing, recording, witnessing, and leading people to Jesus.

We don't know what tomorrow holds, but we DO know Who holds tomorrow. Our ever-faithful Lord and King will guide us through 2011 just as He led us through 2010. And no matter what may arise, He will continue to be faithful and true. As we end 2010, let me encourage you as well as myself, to take 2011 and redeem the time. Grab hold of this coming year and make the most of it. Sing and preach louder. Serve Christ more fervently. Pray without ceasing. Be steadfast in the faith. Read the word, obey His voice, and follow wherever the Lamb may lead.

Happy 2011, everyone! May it be a year of a closer walk with Jesus.

Hebrews 12:1-2a - "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith..."

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where JOY is is a personal blog. Its purpose is to encourage women of all ages to radiate the joy of the Lord in each season of life. This blog reflects my personal beliefs, opinions, and interests.

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