
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Mighty Muscle

For years, I’ve been a Rocky fan. I know coming from a girl who rambles about princes and fairytales, that might be a bit odd. I cry watching “Sleeping Beauty" and sigh when I finish reading “Pride and Prejudice”….but I also enjoy watching a good fight. My fiance’ is a cage fighter and my Dad can break bricks and lift logs and show macho strength. So though I wrinkle my nose when I think of sweat and dirt, I also revel in it.

This weekend, I'll be a part of a very cool show here in south Arkansas. The WWC (website here), which stands for World Wide Crusaders, is what we call Muscle, Music, Mania. It's bat breaking, steel bar bending, concrete busting, log lifting, awesome feats of strength! And it brings a message that NOTHING (aka - Satan and all his tricks) can conquer you. NOTHING is too hard for the Christian who has the Living God inside of them.

Too often, we get to thinking that the things we face are too big for us. The boy who is caught up in violence and gang activity who thinks he can't get out needs to know that there is hope! The girl who is involved in an abusive or sexual relationship needs to know that there is something better! The boy consumed with alcohol, the girl strung out on drugs, the hundreds and thousands who are trapped in some kind of dangerous and destructive activity, substance, or relationship needs to hear the wonderful message - there is hope for you!

The men performing the awesome feats are mighty men, indeed. They snap baseball bats like sticks. They bust through concrete blocks with their arms, hands, and even heads! They roll frying pans into burritos! They bend steel bars in their teeth! So many acts of strength. Yet honestly? That's childish games when compared to the strength and might of Jesus Christ. The human muscle is as weak as a spaghetti noodle when held up next to the muscle of the Son of God! The men this weekend who will tear through phone books and bust open coke cans showcasing their human strength for one reason: It is not to glorify themselves and show the world what they can do. It is to glorify our Savior and show the world what we can all do by His power - both physically and spiritually!

This weekend we will bring uplifting and inspiring music that speaks of the glorious redemption and freedom in Christ! And along with that, mighty men will do unbelievable feats of strength - as a picture of what we can do with Jesus Christ.

All need to know that there is hope. The lost need to see salvation, freedom, and sin conquered. The Christians need to see what can be done with a life yielded and full surrendered.

Romans 8:37
Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.

2 Corinthians 12:9
And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

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