
Saturday, December 27, 2014

Birth Story of Lily Eden

Things have been quite....busy (to say the least!). We welcomed our third child, our precious little girl, on December 11, 2014. Once home, I decided to take every available moment to rest and recuperate and get ready for Christmas. Now that things have settled down a bit, I would like to introduce to you, our sweet little Lily Eden.

Everything about this little one is beautiful. For me, personally, she is the perfect picture of God's grace. We didn't "plan" her. In all honesty, we wanted to wait a few years before having more children. I was scared of having more after the last one. But God, being Omniscient, knew that we needed this little girl; my "little bit of Eden" as I call her.

I was blessed with another healthy pregnancy and we were counting down the days until her due date. On December 10, at an OB appointment, my doctor and I discussed induction. I was a few days late and was experiencing a lot of pain due to Lily cuddling into my ribcage and stretching against my backbone and pelvis. Ouch. I had been dilated to 2-3 for three weeks and my cervix was extremely thin. So after weighing all the options, we decided we would go for an induction. Quite honestly, I as horrified. My birth plan did not, in any way, include induction. It did not include an epidural after having had one with my first and hating it. My plan was to go into labor - on my own - and labor naturally. As was seemingly the "theme" of Lily's pregnancy, my plans were not God's plans. :)

So on the morning of December 11, my husband and I checked into the hospital and we began pitocin shortly after 11:00 a.m.

Things began wonderfully. I immediately began to dilate and contractions were very bearable. I spent time reading, listening to music and singing, and visiting with our pastor, his wife, and my family. Around 1:30, things began to get intense and hard. Having read up on induction, I assumed I was going to be laboring all day and into the night. So, cringing, I asked for an epidural at 2:45 p.m.

One hour later, at 3:51 p.m. I saw my little girl and heard her strong cry for the first time. Once I got the epidural I, again, assumed it would be hours and hours before it was time to deliver. But it was no time at all before I felt my body try to push. I had just enough medicine to ease the pain without losing all feeling whatsoever. Four pushes brought Lily into the world and I was finally able to do something I hadn't ever been able to do with my other babies - hold them immediately. Lying there with a warm, wet, bright-eyed little girl against my skin, gripping my finger and looking up at me with her beautiful eyes took my breath away. And I kept thinking, "This is grace...this is a little bit of heaven...of Eden." :) Weighing 6 lbs, 12 ounces and 20 1/4 inches long, she was - by far - our greatest Christmas gift!

My recovery this time around has been fantastic. Lily is two weeks old and sleeping fabulously and I am feeling - almost! - like 100% again. Thank you for your prayers and all the well-wishes via Facebook. I feel so blessed reading all the encouragement and seeing all the love. I leave you with some pictures of our family of FIVE now!

first moments. can it get any more beautiful than this?
Lily Eden
our little Christmas blessing
big brother is BEYOND proud of Lily and big sister is a
"little momma"to baby "sis-soo"
Grant and I celebrated our fifth Christmas together this year.
Five years, three precious children. The Lord is so good.